Thursday, September 1, 2011

Welcome Everybody!

Welcome to our blog. This is it. It's 100% freethinking in a totally controlled setting. We will be discussing here the history of knowledge and knowledge institutions and the impact that these have on our modern lives. Enjoy.

As a part of our BYU class, Reinventing Knowledge, we (Will, Morgan, Lauren, Misa, I [Mike]) will be posting here and discussing daily the theme of knowledge institutions and their evolution over time. Thanks for reading.


  1. Love the wash machines and the quote. Could do with a background for the description and sidebar so they are a tad more readable!

  2. I agree with Erin... the sidebar is hard to read at times, and I love this quote from the philosopher. An interesting thing to think about. :-)

  3. But really, Mikey this looks great!! I sure as can't do this. Good work!

  4. Wow this is pretty legit. Love the quote and the washing machines. Very chic....

  5. why didn't my name show up?

  6. Hey haw about this newish layout now. its not a ton different but i think its a little more legible.

  7. Awesome Mike! Can't wait to see what you guys have to say.
