Sunday, November 6, 2011

An update on me (I know, SO interesting ;-)

Hey guys!! I have been sick this past week, which is why I missed class on Thursday and have not been commenting.  But I hope to catch up today and tomorrow on comments, because I am interested in what you have learned about and shared.
I have read our instructors' blog post about the Rosetta Project, but I was wondering if there was anything else I should know about class.  What we learned about that was your favorite part or something.  I would appreciate anything you would like to tell me about.  Thanks, and I can't wait to see you on Tuesday!


  1. Morgan, I'm sorry you've been sick. I will put together my hightlights from lecture for you. Get feeling better!

  2. Thanks Alicia!! I do feel better, and I am back on my feet and going now.
